Bad Experience with RIZAP Hong Kong

My husband has been asking me to go RIZAP in Singapore before our wedding just because I told him I wanted to lose weight and tone up before wedding.

RIZAP is a Japanese private gym that promise to give results in just 2 months with diet advice and gym training twice a week. His ex-colleague went and got drastic results.

However, I was skeptical of paying SGD 5,000 and have someone to check on my food intake and “order” me around to carry weights. I am someone who prefers to have fun while exercising. Never a gym person so I didn’t.

After moving to Hong Kong, I realised there is RIZAP outlet and decided to sign up. Why do I sign up even I have lost 5kg by myself? I wanted to tone up and I thought I needed someone with experience to help. I know nothing about weights.

Easy job for them since they just need to tone me up and I eat healthy already…

So I registered myself online on 11th of July and got a call for consultation by the RIZAP staff. Appointment arranged for 12th July, 11am.


I was excited and headed out in the morning, ready for my body transformation step 1. Appointment was at 11am but I got a text 30 minutes before the appointment that it has to be re-arranged… Who does it through text? What if I didn’t check my phone which does happen at times…

Firstly, the staff cancelled me last minute through text. Secondly, she got my name wrong (and blamed it on auto-correct)… Lastly, expect me to come back again in the afternoon? I am a housewife but I do have my schedule too…


So I requested for another appointment on 26th July. Since she likes to text, so I texted. Thank God I did because it shows the timestamp. I never got confirmation on the time I requested…


I waited 24 hours for a reply before texting her back to confirm. Still no reply and I had to make myself clear.


The staff explained she was leaving the company but I do not see how it is related to the last minute cancellation and no response…

I do not understand why I had to go through this terrible experience when I have made up my mind to sign up with RIZAP…

The worst part was the manager even played the emotional card. I snapped… Seriously, what is the manager doing too?


If the staff is going through something major in her life, give her time off instead of potential customers and existing customers facing the consequences…

I requested for the Japanese management contact because it is just unacceptable. However, the manager ignored my request initially and just wanted me to come over for another appointment. If he really cares for the customer, he should not have played the emotional card on me.

It reflects that he is covering up for his staff and himself for this bad customer experience. I just plainly pointing out the facts and which person in the right mind would want to be treated so badly and still go for another appointment.

Getting my husband to draft in Japanese to the Japanese management (Did not do it in the end). Big organisation expanding too fast and staff are not able to manage? Typical.

Now I am looking out for other options…


  1. Sam

    It sounds like they tried to resolve the issue with you and have you reschedule with another trainer but you decided to quit and not try the program. The initial customer service issue was very flawed, yes, but you did yourself no favors by just giving up in anger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jessica Tamaki

      Once bitten twice shy. They only tried to resolve when I bring this matter up with the manager. Else, the staff would have just leave it that way. They claimed to be Japanese private gym but it doesn’t provide the basic courtesy to potential customer.

      I didn’t quit, I decided to open up my options with other private gyms. Anger comes from too much expectations. Also, the manager seems to cover up for the staff.

      Don’t hide behind the keyboard. It is always easy to be the righteous anonymous person. I am just sharing my experience.

      Throughout the conversation, it has been polite.

      I wish you well.


  2. Charles Chan

    I made an inquiry at the Sg branch and the guy who answered was cold and arrogant . Honestly this is a people centric business let’s see how Long they take to turn turtle.
    Nope I didn’t bother to find out more .


    1. Jessica Tamaki

      Hi Charles,

      Sorry to hear to have a bad experience in Singapore. I guess it might be the corporate culture.

      Hope you manage to find a PT that you are comfortable with.

      Maybe you can try this? They are international too and deliver results.

      Good luck.


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